Saturday, February 09, 2008

My How the Times Fly by....

I would just like to point out that I have made some form of progress since my last utterly depressing post. I am taking that first step that I need, and hopefully finding some piece of mind. Until then, I know the path will be rigorous, and it is something that I must deal with under my own terms. Let us hope that things do not go astray.

Onto a different tangent....I registered for spring quarter already. My last quarter before senior year....My classes are listed as follows:

Anthro 148A-Comparative Ethnicities
Film 101T-History of Television
Film 163-Women and Film

My one concern for spring quarter is the fact that I will be missing about a week and a half of school toward the end of the quarter because of my family trip to Peru. I am of course ridiculously excited about this trip, but I have not talked to my professors about missing class. I know that I should not have a problem with 101T because I have 4 other friends taking the class, and I am really close to the professor that teaches 163 who already said it should not be a problem. Hopefully it will work out and not completely screw up my gpa.

I also realized that after spring quarter, I only need 10 more classes to graduate....That is absolutely terrifying to me. This could potentially mean that I can finish a quarter or two earlier. I am definitely going to take the first session of summer school, but I'm not too sure about the second. If I do both, this also cuts down on my time at UCSB. I am considering finishing early and just spending the rest of my time at UCSB working and starting to study hardcore for the LSATs. I think it would be better this way just because I would save much money on tuition, and since I can't end my lease, I might as well stay and make money.

I cannot believe that I am going to graduate so soon......It scares me quite frankly. I am still unsure about my path in life, and knowing that it is a measly 10 classes after this year does not make it any better.....

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