Monday, June 16, 2008

When fate sends you a clear message, and yet you choose to ignore it

I am a fucking idiot.

I usually try to be more eloquent on this blog, but really, this time, it serves me right to say it. I am such a fucking idiot, that I can't believe myself. Honestly, how daft could I be? Apparently too much for me to believe it.

If you read a couple of blogs below, I made a post about a certain person that I have been noticing. What are the chances that this certain someone is in Torrance at the same exact time that I am trying to watch a movie with my friends? Furthermore, I exchange some words with his friend and he is standing right next to him and I don't say a fucking word. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with me? I know he recognizes me from somewhere. I am positive of that.

Fate is telling me something, and I am so damn retarded for not taking the message. I need to grow some balls or something. Apparently I am frightened of something, but really what do I have to lose? Taking risks is the only way I'm going to get anywhere.

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